✨🌟Light of Angels ✨⚜️Engel Wissen

      ✨🌟Engel -

Lichtwesen !✨🌟


 Engel sind etwas besonderes, 

 kostbares in ihrer feinschwingenden 

 göttlichen Energie !

Cosmische, himmlische Wesen verbunden mit der Urkraft des  ✨⚜️Universums & der Göttlichen Schöpfung, der Urlicht Liebe Urquelle


Ihre Energie ist fein, zart & rein, 

kann aber genauso bestimmend zu dir sein & dir einen kosmischen, liebevollen Schupps geben.✨🌟


 Als Hüter, Weiser , Schützer &    Beschützer, Weiser & Lehrer

Behüter allen Seins

die Botschafter des Lichts & 

der Göttlichkeit allen Ursprungs 

im Universums.✨⚜️

Ihr oft scheinbar bizarres, ✨⚜️

aber auch strahlendes, 

schillerndes, grelles, irisierendes

FarbSchwingungEngelLicht durchflutet dich in deinem Sein &

dringt ganz nah durch zu dir, 

zu dir & deiner Seele 

des himmlischen Lichts!✨⚜️


Trau dir so zu sein wie die Engel , 

so unschuldig & rein & ✨⚜️

lebe dein Leben in all deinem Licht, 

im warmen Lichtschein des Herzen!

✨⚜️Manches Mal ist es 

gar nicht  so einfach ! 

In Liebe zu sein ! 

Einfach nur Sein ✨⚜️🌟

in deiner Ganzheit & Purpouse!

So zu sein wie du bist !

Dann horch in dein Herz & 

vertrau deinem Engel & Dir !✨⚜️


✨⚜️Brauchst du dabei Hilfe, 

so wend dich an mich!

Deinen Engel des Herzens, 

ich  steht gewiss dann bei dir ! 

✨⚜️Namaste ! Ohm padre hum !

✨⚜️Cristall Light Cid´s

      ✨⚜️Cristall Light Kid`s come on 

✨⚜️please wake up !


It´s really time to find your essence,

you are the great angels of the soul 

and of your  life !✨⚜️🌟

Look deeply in your heart & your soul

 let it be, the power of peace & love 

in your soul & your life, the life of all the peoples all over the universe, like you !

You are the Love Present, 

who send the universe to help the Earth, 

childrens & animals ✨⚜️

to become free & harmony in there life !

You re a Light Worker of the heart !

A divibe angel soul !✨⚜️


✨⚜️Beautifull Cristall -Colours& eplosives uncontinental 

Light  of Love ✨⚜️🌟

flamms out of the universe  !

✨⚜️You was born, one of the big Light of Angels  of the universe !✨⚜️

Dear Cristall Kid, you are Light Worker whith a really feme and carry soul, 

since the was born,

with stranges of inner disire 

of expanding Ligth.✨⚜️

You had many Feels of Knowledge, Freedom, Power of Love,

Seeing, Hearing & Feeling to Earth, 

the Humans & Animals of theWorld!

It`s your Mission to Feel & Help !

You can carry with all the seeds 

for fast spirituall awakening.

You are a very old divine soul!

✨🌟So take on your divine purpose!✨

All the time over the world !  

✨🌟You are experience, 

you gained the lerned lessons 

during your past lifes.

Now you are born as Human, 

to caught in the circle 

of kapmic of the life.✨⚜️

✨⚜️So the experence ones explore 

all forms of the confusion turmoll & illusions, which excist in the human life !

You did this order as a fully comprehend, theMother Earth, expirience!

So you thus all the posses of tools 

to help others !✨⚜️

To guide humans on there lonely 

way towards reaching true bliss & enlightenments.✨⚜️

Sinth a Baby or Child to feel the difference, so you  feel them 

allenated, lonley & mean 

you are not understood !✨🌟

✨⚜️Thues you find your own part 

in the life of despite social 

or religions patterns.✨⚜️

⚜️⚜️You have really a deep 

sense of justice, to order of guides,

so the own code of values which they instinctivally carry inside, since your life.

Divine Starsheet, Light worker , 

Cristall KiD`s,you feel drawn to help 

all the time .✨⚜️

✨🌟So you take many pleasure 

 from giving than from recciving &  terrestrial light spheres, 

so you feel like an unexplainable nostalgia for spheres & connected 

to the spiritually side of your life.

To ✨⚜️consciously or not carry inside memorials of non terrestrial light sphres.

You are really deeply honor your life!

✨⚜️You damage all the life 

of animals, the humans, 

elements or vegetal.✨🌟

Dear Cristall Kid`s create within your hearts & your soul a real feeling of painfull less & sorrow.✨⚜️

So are you often unable to deal

with aggressions & so hardly 

must learn to defend themselves. 

To have many seen the distracted 

naiveand profoundly idealistic ✨⚜️

& very easily carpture an emotions.

At this momemts of solitaty are very important to order the distringtish 

others feelings from your own.✨⚜️

✨⚜️So you recconect with ✨⚜️

your oen Mother Earth Lady Gaia!

✨⚜️Many years you  lived on the Earth as nons,monks,shamans,hermets,psychics.

wiches or priests...............⚜️🌟✨

As Cristall Kid`s provited to get a bridge between the visible & the unvisible 

so that was very often rejected, 

because of that.✨⚜️

✨🌟So deeply traumas of 

your really persecutins left 

very, very  deep marks 

in the memory 

of your soul✨⚜️

This caused an unconsious 

fear of expressing who!✨⚜️

✨🌟Now you, where are you ?

Do you feel yourselve in this !


✨⚜️Than it`s time to wake up !

To live your Essence of Purpouse

in your life !✨🌟

✨🌟To feel deeper in your own soul !

Feel deeper in your  heart & let it be !

The really pure, great coloured

universell Essence of your divine Purpouse at your own Soul !✨⚜️

✨⚜️Peace , Harmony , Oneless

uncontinal infinity Love 

in yor life & your heart !✨🌟

✨⚜️Now it, s your divine time ! ⚜️⚜️

✨⚜️Be & stay as a Light Worker !

✨⚜️Be & stay as your Angel of you !✨⚜️Now! Be your divine Soul !


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✨Göttliche, unterstützende Natur  Produkte findest du im Shop✨⚜️

✨⚜️Light of Angels✨⚜️

Cristallkids Serie ✨⚜️

✨🌟Cristall Angel Baby Spray

✨⚜️Cristallkids Angel Spray

✨🌟Diamant Kids Angel Spray

✨⚜️Starsheet Angel Spray

✨🌟Indigo Angel Spray

✨⚜️Light Kids Angel Spray

✨🌟Light  of Angels CRISTALLKIDSANGEL Serie 

  wurde kreiert, um euch 

  liebe Licht Kinder ✨⚜️

✨⚜️Mit göttlicher Licht Energie

zu unterstützen & zu behüten 

& zu ihrer Purpouse zu führen !

✨⚜️Im Light of Angels Shop Cristalllight erhältlich !

✨⚜️Habt Vertrauen in euch & 

eure göttlichen Fähigkeiten !


✨⚜️ göttliches Licht leuchte ! ✨⚜️Eure Engel mögen euch 

           beschützen auf euren 

           göttlichen Weg !